FEB 7–8, 2025

This workshop will empower you to trust your intuition, embrace experimentation and integrate digital prints into your encaustic work to make truly unique, layered monotypes.

Experience the joy and immediacy of “pulling” an encaustic monotype from a heated encaustic palette. You’ll draw with pigmented wax and incorporate spontaneous mark making that will ignite your creativity and intuition. The results are astonishing and rewarding.

Additional techniques including stenciling, stamping and blocking will be explored. Whether used as a primary body of work or combined with mixed media, collage or book arts, encaustic monotypes offer endless possibilities for today’s artist. No prior experience in encaustic painting or printmaking is necessary, however some experience with encaustic is preferred.

Demos and discussion include:

  • How different types of paper react to wax and pigment
  • How temperature affects the print’s outcome
  • The various effects using encaustic medium and pigment
  • Layering color
  • How to use other materials including India ink, pastel, oil sticks, graphite into your work
  • Incorporating digital prints into the monotype
  • How to incorporate stencils and string
  • How to know when the work is complete

Each day will include demonstrations, individual assistance, Q&A, troubleshooting and plenty of individual time to work. At the end of the sessions, you’ll go home with a suitcase full of new knowledge and experience and a number of finished monotypes.This workshop is open to all levels. Please watch my demo video for a quick introduction to encaustic monotype printing.From beginners to more experienced artists, kick-up your art practice and be motivated by the process. You’ll go home with new skills and art you’ll be proud of.


DATES: February 7-8, 2025
TIME: 9:00 am start, finish 3:00 pm
VENUE: Newbry Studios, 2055 Westwood Drive, Carlsbad, CA
COST: $425.00

Materials included: hot box, encaustic medium, pigment, various papers, mark making tools, barens 

GROUP SIZE: Minimum 4. Maximum 8
MATERIALS TO BRING: Apron, scissors, mark-making tools, spray water bottle, graphite stick, stencils (not plastic), silicone tools, newsprint pape

I give a number of workshops for groups throughout the year as well as offer one-on-one instruction. Please send me a message regarding what type of workshop(s) are of interest to you. Thank you.

Read how these artists gained new skills
and inspired them to take more risks in their art.

We were surrounded by beautiful art in a bright and airy studio, spacious workstations and an abundance of supplies. Nanette is such a joy to have as an instructor. She demonstrated the techniques to make prints and transfers then guided us personally to design our own work.
Mary R.
Oceanside, CA
I loved learning new skills, working with new mediums and expanding my horizons. She understood the individuality of each person and met them "where we were at in our own work." This encaustic monotype workshop did just that!
Kay C.
San Diego, CA
Loved this workshop! Nanette's ability to share her wonder and passion for encaustics in inspiring! We had plenty of time and freedom to explore with her support. I like that we were a small, intimate group.
Stephanie F.
Albuquerque, NM